All Episodes

Displaying 211 - 240 of 264 in total

CIPA, Classroom Tech Checklist (S2E9)

This week the guys talk about a classroom tech checklist, CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) and the “cloud” in education. Music from Nick and Nik. --- Support ...

Social Media in Education - S2E8

No guest on this show. David takes the helm by himself to start the show. The guys discuss social media in education, technology and edtech changes for the new year an...

Professional Development S2E7

No guest today. The guys talk about professional development in education, Eric Sheninger (@E_Sheninger), streamlining technology into the classroom and the Google Sci...

Justin McKean Sungard S2E6

On today’s show Justin McKean (@JMcKeank12, of SunGard K-12 (@SunGardk12, visits with us. We about talk everything from the m...

Chad Freeman S2E5

Today on the show we welcome teacher Chad Freeman. We talk about gaming in education and the many possibilities it provides for students and teachers in the future. Po...

Digital Public Library of America, Digital Tattoos, EdTech Trends S2E4

Today on the show the guys talk about the Digital Public Library of America. Discussion on Vanessa Monterosa (@EdTech_FTW) asks:“Digital Tattoo” vs “Digital Footprint”...

ISTE, Chad Brinkley - S2E3

Today on the show we talk about ISTE 2016. We have some call in Soundbites and welcome Chad Brinkley (@techwithchad) for his take on ISTE 2016 and other educational en...

GoGuardian, Kevin Honeycutt - S2E2

David is on vacation! So I have reign over the show!!! So, it’s a “Best of” show, featuring the guys from GoGuardian ( and one of our favorites Kevi...

Live from HSTI - Josh Apter, Jon Goldberg S2E1

For the first show of the season, we are coming to you live from the Hot Springs Technology Institute in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The special guests today are Josh Apter...

Paul Eichen Rokenbok S1E46

Today’s guest is Paul Eichen (@rokenboker), Executive Director of Rokenbok Education (, @rokenbokedu). We discuss Applied STEM starting in Ki...

Technology projects, Robotics - S1E45

No guest today. The guys talk summer tech projects and Robotics. Music from Nik Sea ( --- Support this podcast:

Will Richardson S1E44

Today the guys welcome guest Will Richardson (, @willrich45) to the show. They discuss his new book “Freedom to Learn” and the shift education ne...

Flex Mod Scheduling, Uberizing K12 S1E43

No guest today. The guys talk about Flex-Mod Scheduling, the Uber-izing of K-12 education and upcoming LIVE events! Musical guest: Nik Sea --- Support t...

"The Next Big Thing, " Social Media, etc - S1E42

No guest today due to a scheduling conflict. The guys discuss the “Next Big Thing” for summer workshops and where that is heading. They also talk about Social Media an...

Star Wars in the Classroom S1E41

Star Wars episode! All Star Wars and some Microsoft and Google goodness at the end! Have FUN! #TeachMeYouDid Challenge – Post video, tweet, ...

Tyler Shaddix from GoGuardian S1E40

Today’s guest is Tyler Shaddix from GoGuardian. We talk about the features of GoGuardian, education and the web and the benefits of classroom management tools. Tyler w...

Matt Jones from GoGuardian S1E39

Today’s guest is Matt Jones from GoGuardian. We talk about the features of GoGuardian, education and the web and the benefits of 1:1. Matt walks us through the many fe...

Kevin Honeycutt - Thinking Globally S1E38

Today we go mobile. David is picking up guest Kevin Honeycutt at the Little Rock Airport and driving him to a conference in Plummerville, Arkansas. So since we have hi...

David Geurin - Leadership, Teacher SuperPowers - S1E37

The guys welcome guest David Geurin (@davidgeurin, The Bolivar, Missouri principal discusses educational leadership, Teacher SuperPowers, Chromeb...

Chad Brinkley, iPads, 1-to-1 S1E36

The guys have guest Chad Brinkley on the Show. Lots of great discussion on websites, iOS 9.3 and all the goodness it brings to education AND the new 9.7″ iPad Pro. Gre...

Justin Baeder Instructional Leadership S1E35

GREAT show today. Guest Justin Baeder (, @eduleadership, joins us to talk about Instructional Leadership, Principal Center, Princ...

Double Robotics for Homebound Students S1E34

The guys talk about Double Robotics (, @doublerobotics ) for homebound students. Discussion on students using iPads for Video creation. --- Supp...

Flexible Learning via Podcasts S1E33

The guys talk about SXSWedu and flexible learning in the podcasting world. --- Support this podcast:

Maker spaces, makerspace S1E32

The guys are talking about Maker Spaces and all the REAL Maker Spaces that exist. Tune in for some fun! --- Support this podcast:

Google in Education, Coding, Apple and FBI S1E31

GREG IS BACK! The guys talk about Google in Education and the closing of the Google in Education Play store. They delve into Coding in schools and the new Computer Sci...

Talking about Education Technology S1E30

The guys talk about EdTech happenings around the country and it’s impact on local schools. --- Support this podcast:

Distance Learning, Chromebooks S1E29

No guest today. The guys discuss distance learning and CIV, the modern alternatives and it’s usage in education currently. Jeff loses his mind and lets us know how he ...

Dr. Jim Beeghley - Civil War, PLNs S1E28

Today’s guest is Dr. Jim Beeghley (@fifer1863). We talk PLN (Professional Learning Community) and the Civil War (Tradigital History). Also music from the Dan River Ram...

Sabra Eaton - Student Portfolios, ArkEdChat S1E27

Today’s Guest: Sabra Eaton. The guys talk with Sabra Eaton about student portfolios, student led conferences, IEPs for teachers and #ArkEdChat. They also get into some...

Dave Burgess - Teach Like a Pirate (TLAP) S1E26

Today’s Guest Dave Burgess @burgessdave ( talks all things PIRATE! Teach Like a Pirate takes us on a voyage of excitement, education and FUN...